Monday, June 20, 2005
Google Site Targeted Adsense Ads
Article and Information Supplied by: Aaron at SEO Book
http://www.seobook.comGoogle Site Targeted AdSense Ads
This page was linked to from various site targeted AdSense ads to explain a bit about how the technology works. There are a couple links at the end of this post which also point to a few ways to creatively use Ads by Goooooogle.
Easy to Set Up:
I just set up my first site targeted AdWords ad account. Setting up a campaign was fairly easy.
This post is my intro to the site targeted ads, if you are interested with my thoughts of it click on and read with your bad self. hehehe
Overpriced Impressions:
While there is lots of active discussion on them, I tried to avoid CPM advertising on most of the major SEO forums because I know that its not uncommon for me to generate 50 to 500 page views myself in a day when I am in the posting mood.
The $2 minimum CPM for forums is probably a bit rich for my business model, especially when I can participate in the threads and be seen as part of the activity instead of part of the ads. I might advertise on them soon, but am not yet.