Saturday, December 17, 2005
Switching to WordPress
Hi Everyone,
Since our CMS system was totally shut down over the past three weeks because Blogger not requires a 'word/phrase verification' mainly over the SPAM bloggers out there; those of us who do this to provide valuable content to our readership have been struggling with choosing another blog option.
I met with a few bloggers this week who blog to SMB Trend, Small Business Branding and a host of others, and then said they were ALL going to move over to Wordpress.
I'll be up and running in a week or so. Thanks for your patience.
Since our CMS system was totally shut down over the past three weeks because Blogger not requires a 'word/phrase verification' mainly over the SPAM bloggers out there; those of us who do this to provide valuable content to our readership have been struggling with choosing another blog option.
I met with a few bloggers this week who blog to SMB Trend, Small Business Branding and a host of others, and then said they were ALL going to move over to Wordpress.
I'll be up and running in a week or so. Thanks for your patience.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Blogger Killer Posting Blog Software
That's right. I haven't posted for nearly three weeks. And now I am putting the first "manual" entry on my blog. Recently, Blogger stopped my "Blog Power" application from posting my entries. I wrote the article/entry and then set a time for it to post automatically. This comes at a big dissapointment. Why? Because all the blog spammers just ruined Blogger for the rest of us. I will not use Blogger anymore. As of tomorrow, I will be transitioning this blog over to Wordpress.
I am hoping it will keep all the post as I worked extremly hard on pulling content and writing things that matter to small business owners.
I am hoping it will keep all the post as I worked extremly hard on pulling content and writing things that matter to small business owners.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Deep Linking: How to build quality links to deeper content - by Rob Sullivan
Sometimes one of the hardest things to do for any website is build links to deep content.
These are the links that generally will help the site perform best overall in the search engines. This is because while it may take hundreds... more...
Originally Posted on 11/6/2005 1:06:11 PMContent source:
These are the links that generally will help the site perform best overall in the search engines. This is because while it may take hundreds... more...
Originally Posted on 11/6/2005 1:06:11 PMContent source:
Friday, November 04, 2005
Increase Your Google Quality Score
Ever since Google introduced the Google Quality Score variable into their Adwords system Advertisers and PPC Account Managers have struggled with their accounts performing efficiently. When Google introduced the 'Quality Score' system it forced Adwords more...
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 3:41:35 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 3:41:35 PMContent source:
Increase Your Google Quality Score
Ever since Google introduced the Google Quality Score variable into their Adwords system Advertisers and PPC Account Managers have struggled with their accounts performing efficiently. When Google introduced the 'Quality Score' system it forced Adwords more...
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 3:41:35 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 3:41:35 PMContent source:
Landing Page Creation Guide
The following article explains how to create effective landing pages. more...
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 12:39:29 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 12:39:29 PMContent source:
Landing Page Creation Guide
The following article explains how to create effective landing pages. more...
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 12:39:29 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/4/2005 12:39:29 PMContent source:
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Gmail and Hackers
A story about how Gmail is closely tied to hackers and web site defacers more...
Originally Posted on 11/3/2005 2:00:08 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/3/2005 2:00:08 PMContent source:
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Ecommerce and SEO
The purpose of any business website is to promote a product or service online. more...
Originally Posted on 11/2/2005 3:16:01 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 11/2/2005 3:16:01 PMContent source:
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Search Engine Experts Meet in Morrisville (Local Tech Wire)
Morrisville – The Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA), will host a panel discussion Thursday, October 20 on the subject of search engine marketing. more...
Originally Posted on 11/1/2005 8:04:09 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Originally Posted on 11/1/2005 8:04:09 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Monday, October 31, 2005
Healthline Introduces First Internet Search Engine Dedicated to Consumer Healthcare (RedNova)
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Addressing the growing demand for better health information resources, Healthline(TM) today announced the first Internet search engine dedicated to consumer healthcare, more...
Originally Posted on 10/31/2005 10:18:44 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Originally Posted on 10/31/2005 10:18:44 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Sunday, October 30, 2005
The Good and the Bad of SEO From Googles Mouth! - by Rob Sullivan
I recently had the opportunity to ask questions of some Google staffers. There were some questions I felt I needed to get verification on, so when I had the opportunity via a conference call I took it.
In this article I... more...
Originally Posted on 10/30/2005 8:05:47 AMContent source:
In this article I... more...
Originally Posted on 10/30/2005 8:05:47 AMContent source:
Planning a site redesign? Read this first! - by Rob Sullivan
I can't tell you how many sites I've consulted on where, without a word to the SEM team, the site owner re-launches with a brand new site. Sometimes it's a simple cosmetic change but more often than not its a completely new site... more...
Originally Posted on 10/30/2005 8:05:43 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/30/2005 8:05:43 AMContent source:
Monday, October 24, 2005
News tool does the math (CBS Market Watch)
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Does the Web need an industrial-strength news search engine? Neal Goldman of Inform Technologies thinks it does and rolled one out Monday morning. Although he concedes still needs usability and development work, Goldman said the goal is to help visitors create their own newspaper with stories selected from thousands of news sources. more...
Originally Posted on 10/24/2005 10:10:31 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Originally Posted on 10/24/2005 10:10:31 AMContent source:*http%3A//
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Why Search Engines Purging ODP Clone Websites ? - by Nameeta Kashyap
There are lot of websites which are fully or partially clone of ODP (Open Directory Project).These websites or part section of websites, which are using ODP script to reformat the data on there site are useless and they have no original new contents. It... more...
Originally Posted on 10/23/2005 10:21:58 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/23/2005 10:21:58 PMContent source: Loses Google PageRank

That's right. homepage has a PR of 2. 2! That's insane. I've refreshed, deleted my cache, and even tried it at a local Starbucks. It's a 2! What happened?
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Web Site Promotion: Incoming Links Can Increase Web Site Traffic - by Ken Leonard Jr
Would you like to increase your web site traffic and sales? By using a simple web site promotion method, you can get higher placement in search engine listings, which translates to more money in your bank account. If you are willing to do some... more...
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 6:20:41 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 6:20:41 PMContent source:
How to get traffic to your website! - by Matt Bacak
Today, the biggest problem that new website owners have is: "How they can get traffic to their website?" Significant amount of time and energy is spent today on this single task. You or your webmaster needs to commonly focus on:
-Get ranked well on... more...
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 3:00:44 PMContent source:
-Get ranked well on... more...
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 3:00:44 PMContent source:
How to Spam Google and get away with it. - by Joe Balestrino
I bet you are eager to find out just how to do this. "Spamming Google" that is, and getting away with it. Maybe you want to try this method out or maybe you are another SEO guy waiting with baited breath to downplay this... more...
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 2:33:42 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/22/2005 2:33:42 PMContent source:
Friday, October 21, 2005
Blog and Boost Your Search Engine and RSS Traffic - by Kamau Austin
One of the more recent secrets people are using to get their websites in the search engines, the last couple of years, is with Blogs. Blogs are short for web logs and are like daily dairies on the web.
Blogs started out as... more...
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 5:10:08 PMContent source:
Blogs started out as... more...
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 5:10:08 PMContent source:
The Yahoo - Google Battle - (Index) Size Matters! - by Peter Faber
Yahoo got more pages indexed than Google. And an enormous amount more. It seems that the Yahoo index is more than twice the size of the Google index. Recently this was also announced by Yahoo, even though they generally don't comment on index sizes.... more...
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 5:10:05 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 5:10:05 PMContent source:
SEO Success: Step Two is Attracting Search Engine Attention - by Chesa Keane
Once the website has been created and published, many
new website owners think that the web development
project is finished. But in reality, the real work is just
beginning. In order to create a money-making site, traffic
must be generated... more...
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 3:27:35 PMContent source:
new website owners think that the web development
project is finished. But in reality, the real work is just
beginning. In order to create a money-making site, traffic
must be generated... more...
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 3:27:35 PMContent source:
Yahoo Launches Local Search BETA
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 9:52:02 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/21/2005 9:52:02 AMContent source:
Thursday, October 20, 2005
What is RSS, and Why Should You Care?
This week, SearchDay takes a close look at RSS, a web publishing format that's transforming information delivery for both publishers and users. more...
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 8:14:48 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 8:14:48 PMContent source:
Metasearch The Blogosphere With Clusty
A 'hidden' feature of a powerful meta search engine allows you to mine for gold in the blogosphere. more...
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 7:26:47 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 7:26:47 PMContent source:
Lycos Sells to Korean Internet Portal
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 7:50:54 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/20/2005 7:50:54 AMContent source:
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Weblog Model Uncovered

If you know any thing knew about blogs, is that a one company is making $1,000,000 per year from Google alone with their network of blogs. Some serious work went into these as well as a long list of writers who get paid handsomely to blog posts daily. I use these sites religiously and had to let people know some of the interworkings.
Well - I am not going to reveal this right now. Sorry. I have a list of business requirements that were used as well as how the technical infrastructure was setup to make this immensly popular network of blog sites. If you think the sites are just proprietary blog software, combined with PHP/Javascript/HTML -- you are really going to be suprised and excited to hear that it's way more complicated than that. List serves, new backend technologies only integrated with blogs, super blog ping servers that make this the most widely use new source for mobile marketers that the company is being tossed millions just to sell.
More tomorrow. Oh yeah!!! Let's make this model open source.
Google Launches Bidding Site
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 3:04:07 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 3:04:07 PMContent source:
Search Engine Marketing Organization Cops Criticism
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 12:06:05 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 12:06:05 PMContent source:
MSN Previews New Search Engine
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 10:21:03 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/19/2005 10:21:03 AMContent source:
Monday, October 17, 2005
Adsense � When Should You Use It? Self SEO,- May 1...
Adsense � When Should You Use It? Self SEO, Germany - 12 hours ago Well I have several sites, some of them I apply the AdSense to; to make a few extra pennies and some of my websites I wouldn�t even dream of placing Adsense Google puts new spin on net ads Sydney Morning Herald (subscription), Australia - 10 hours ago search. Google's AdSense product also allows advertisers to spread their listings across the internet giant's partner sites. "But Google Adsense Mentoring Program Reveals Insider Secrets for Emediawire (press release), WA - May 17, 2005 A new Google Adsense mentoring program will revolutionize the way web site owners and developers earn money with Google Adsense. Google AdSense Not Allowed in Desktop Applications Search Engine Journal - 11 hours ago If you are like me and the thousands of others that don�t read the Google AdSense TOS, then this will be new to you. A thread Google AdSense, AdWords Get Hosts Talking Web Host Industry Review - May 25, 2005 May 25, 2005 -- (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) -- Web hosts had a lot to say about Google's AdSense and AdWords on hosting forums this month, discussing the Google AdSense Hijacked In Google Search Results WebProNews, KY - May 24, 2005 As indicated by JenSense, when you perform a Google search for the keyword "Google AdSense", the first position result is a site with the URL www.all-in-one Google AdSense for RSS Feeds Search Engine Journal - May 17, 2005 Andy Beal, who just left the Google headquarters as part of his mission to take over the search engine marketing world, has the scoop on Google AdSense and the more...
Originally Posted on 10/17/2005 2:07:45 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/17/2005 2:07:45 PMContent source:
Electronic Recruiting Exchange Cost-per-click adve...
Electronic Recruiting Exchange Cost-per-click advertising: An affordable way to get in front of your customers Cost-per-click advertising is one of the newest and most cost-effective The Knot - Targeted Cost-Per-Click Advertising Targeted cost-per-click advertising for budgets as low as $100 Cost-per-click advertising is one of the most cost-effective online advertising models Search Engine PPC Programs - Other Pay Per Click Advertising Resources Pay Per Click and Cost Per Click Services. PPC Pay Per Click Advertising Programs; Google AdWords Select Cost Per Click; Google AdWords Tips About iExplore | Advertise With Us Targeted Cost-Per-Click Advertising For any sized budget, as low as $100 Here you will have the opportunity to set your maximum cost per click (CPC). more...
Originally Posted on 10/17/2005 10:55:42 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/17/2005 10:55:42 AMContent source:
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Chirac Battles Algorithmic Imperialists
I'm trying to wrap my brain around Chirac's vow to create a Google/Yahoo/MSN/Ask rival to save Europe from the US. So here are his reasons that I pulled from the Telegraph:
1) Anglo-Saxon cultural imperialism
2) omnipresence of US culture in French Socie more...
Originally Posted on 10/16/2005 12:29:28 PMContent source:
1) Anglo-Saxon cultural imperialism
2) omnipresence of US culture in French Socie more...
Originally Posted on 10/16/2005 12:29:28 PMContent source:
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Go Go Google Print Ads
According to a CNet article (that may earn them another year in the doghouse) Google's selling PC Magazine and Maximum PC print ads to their existing AdWords advertisers.
WOW. What with the recent (and unresolved to my knowledge) rumors of Yahoo, Google more...
Originally Posted on 10/15/2005 9:30:38 PMContent source:
WOW. What with the recent (and unresolved to my knowledge) rumors of Yahoo, Google more...
Originally Posted on 10/15/2005 9:30:38 PMContent source:
THE NEW FILE IS: more...
Originally Posted on 10/15/2005 7:58:49 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/15/2005 7:58:49 AMContent source:
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The first rule of Google AdSense is, dons AdSense ...
The first rule of Google AdSense is, don't talk about Google Jason Kottke's Web site, home to some of the world's finest hypertext products.Google AdSense for RSS running at Weblogs, Inc. - The Jason google adsense for RSS. Update: Rafat reports on the news over at the most Also, Google AdSense is targeted so, it is actually for my content nine Google AdSense: Discussions around Googles Text Ad service AdSense. [url=http://www.webmasterworld. com/forum89/612.htm]AdSense FAQ[/url]. The Google World Google AdSense.Google AdSense Offers a contextual advertising solution to web publishers Delivers text-based Google AdWords ads that are relevant to site content - Google's AdSense a bonanza for some Web sites Canadian software developer and part-time humorist Eric Gigure made fun of the avalanche of Internet arthritis drug offers on his Web site last year.Google AdSense Secrets - Making More Money with Google AdSense offers the ebook, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense, the definitive manual for increasing your AdSense income more...
Originally Posted on 10/12/2005 4:23:15 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/12/2005 4:23:15 PMContent source:
Google AdSense Hijacked In Google Search Results W...
Google AdSense Hijacked In Google Search Results WebProNews, KY - May 24, 2005 As indicated by JenSense, when you perform a Google search for the keyword "Google AdSense", the first position result is a site with the URL www.all-in-one GoogleGuy Calls Out AdSense Spam Sites WebProNews, KY - Jun 2, 2005 These spam sites generate erroneous content (if they aren't scraping it from another source) and place AdSense ads in order to trick visitors into clicking the more...
Originally Posted on 10/12/2005 1:53:13 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/12/2005 1:53:13 PMContent source:
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Pay Per Click Tool Saves Money During Website Down...
Pay Per Click Tool Saves Money During Website Downtime Cheap Web Hosting Directory, CA - 6 hours ago has released a patent-pending ''website downtime'' solution that pauses pay per click advertising campaigns at Google Adwords, Yahoo more...
Originally Posted on 10/11/2005 2:27:25 PMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/11/2005 2:27:25 PMContent source:
Housing Jitters Manifest: Internet Searches for m...
Housing Jitters Manifest: Internet Searches for 'Real Estate Bubble' Rise (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)As speculation over a U.S. real estate bubble continues in the mainstream media, new Internet search behavior data suggest consumers are equally concerned that the current market is overpriced.USA: Internet better than print to smare used car buyers (just-auto)The internet now helps to lead more late-model, used-vehicle buyers in the US to the vehicles they purchase than traditional newspaper and magazine classified ads combined, according to the JD Power and Associates 2005 Used study.One-fifth of Web users prefer online news - Nielsen (Reuters via Yahoo! News)Nearly one-fifth of Web users who read newspapers now prefer online to offline editions, according to a new study from Internet audience measurement company Nielsen//NetRatings.Wikis, Weblogs and RSS: What Does the New Internet Mean for Business? (Knowledge at Wharton)The Internet is entering a new phase that will decentralize control within companies, enable employees to collaborate more easily, and drive efficiency. But corporations that want to use the web strategically to build corporate value will not just need to make radical cultural changes, they may also need to master a new vocabulary with terms such as Wikis, Weblogs, and RSS. What will this newBristol-Myers Squibb's Ad Ban Spares Internet ( drug company will refrain from offline advertising of new drugs until they've been on the market a year.The Changing Nature Of Internet Fame (MSNBC)The line between Internet-fame and real-world celebrity is blurring, and not everyone in the blogosphere is happy about it.Music and video central to new AOL free strategy (Kane County Chronicle)NEW YORK — You've got mail — and now it's free along with music and video. America Online Inc. officials hope their new strategy will boost advertising revenues; many customers have dropped AOL amid the proliferation of Internet portals and free e-mail services. more...
Originally Posted on 10/11/2005 8:50:15 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 10/11/2005 8:50:15 AMContent source: