Monday, August 01, 2005
Debra: Is Google Purging Directory Sites? (Submitting to Directories)
QUOTEI've found at least 10 directories that 5 days ago I was listed with and today they're all banned. Most are dmoz scrapers.There are over 360 sites listed here making use of ODP data. Some are directories, other are sites with informational directories in them. All are sites recognized by the DMOZ. Scraper sites are spam, thrown up to be keyword drift nets and as such, treated and removed --as spam sites should be. Were you listed in a directory using DMOZ data or on a scarper site? There is a big difference. QUOTEI noticed a whole series of .info directories springing up over the last year. Most of them seemed to be connected.I equate all things basketball with Michael Jordan and all things baseball with Babe Ruth. And while I know about other basketball/baseball athletes, none I associate with their sport like these two.I believe DMOZ is like that for the Directory world. They've been around the longest, are used by the major engines and exude that " I wanna be like Mike" vibe since a majority of directories adopt their structure and guidelines. Say Directory, think DMOZ.They're also an anomoly, a deviation from the norm. There is no other ODP, and probably for good reason - no other entity wants to take on the huge task of coordinating the volunteer manpower needed to run another. New Directories coming online have adopted different business models as the Web has matured and use paid inclusion/adwords/link advertising options as a way to retain staff to fill the Directory and/or pay for bandwidth. Nothing wrong with any of that.So what's happening to our dear Directories if all of that is ok? Of the handful of Directories I'm watching fall out of Google's index, all but one have been hard at work adding footer/site wide links instead of content. Others fill pages with Adwords and offer only a handful of "real" sites and some never build out cats. Search engine bots take note of changes/updates/additions and most importantly, inbound links. Directory owners need to cultivate a link and search marketing plan just like any other site.As slow as she is, the DMOZ is a work in progress. And that's what engines want. more...
Originally Posted on 8/1/2005 11:04:23 AMContent source:
Originally Posted on 8/1/2005 11:04:23 AMContent source: