Sunday, August 21, 2005
Technorati: Bring it on Google, Yahoo, MSN
Blog search engine Technorati CEO David Sifry was interviewed in BusinessWeek recently.
He makes some good points in that he doesn't see search engines as competition and wishes them "good luck" when it comes to creating a blog-specific search engine.
"What Technorati is trying to do is looking at the Web in a different way. And the way that I like to think of it is, it's like this big river, it's like this conversation flow. It's about people and conversations."
Services like Technorati and the blogosphere in general represents a serious paradigm shift in the way information is distributed and organized. The rate at which search engines update their enormous databases seems quite slow in comparison to how quickly blog posts are available on Technorati. If blog search engines can continue to improve quality and do a better job of filtering out blog spam, I see no reason why more users wouldn't migrate more of their search activity to the blogosphere.
Tags: Technorati, blog search engine, David Sifry
Originally Posted on 8/21/2005 6:50:45 PMContent source: